Monday, March 24, 2008

How to enhance that winning geek appearance of yours- Volume 1

So your sitting at your desk:

Slouched. Bad breath. Bad skin.

You can type 120 words per minute, make 60k+ a year, drive a nice car, and you can’t get a date to save your life.

What’s the deal here?

How to enhance that winning geek appearance of yours- Volume 1

The last date you had that actually lasted more than one night was the $2.95 free trial to your favorite porn site that you had to buy because finally realized you were using a hacked name and password.

Well you’re not doomed and you’re not alone.

Here are some things you can do to BEGIN to spruce up your image a bit.

Now of course I realize that you’re a nice guy- Probably a great conversationalist (not on aim), great cook (microwaves don’t count), given the chance, probably fairly romantic (buying lube doesn’t count.)

Unfortunately as much as we like to distance ourselves from nature we are still animals, you and I. Watch one Planet Earth and you’ll see that all the male animals have all the bright colors and fancy dance moves… not pocket protectors and hacked I-phones.

So here’s four easy things you can do in-between projects at work, between levels, or whatever free time you might have to start carving out that lady-killer inside. These may be a bit random but you need to start somewhere and these are some of the easiest.


The benefits for this are almost too many to mention. Your entire appearance will brighten as well as reduce the effects of sitting in front a computer screen all day.

The list goes on and on why soda is bad for you.

Don’t be an idiot,

2. Buy some FLOURADENTS.

Not only will these get your “too many soda ridden lan-party” teeth back into shape, it will also begin to improve the quality of breath in that stinky mouth of yours.

Keep ‘em at your desk, pick one up every now and again and start taking care of those things..

Assuming you can get close enough to a girl to kiss her without her pressing charges, you’ll thank me.

You can get these at most any toof section of a box mega-store.

3. Wear deodorant!

This is a no brainer but it’s amazing how many people don’t do this. Also, avoid deodorant that contains aluminum. Not only is it suspected to be a factor in memory loss and other shitty things that can happen to you, it also stains those white t’s yellow on the pits, especially if you are a sweater, and I know how sweaty it can get when you are editing code or playing a round of call of duty.

Yellow pits are not considered attractive by women. Trust me.

4. No Haircuts under 20 bucks.

At this point you’re thinking, “What the hell is this guy talking about?”

Yes, a lot of girls notice.

And please, no bowlcuts.


Ok that’s all for now-

Catch ya soon.

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